About the Author


From the beginning, my gregarious personality and penchant for performance had me thinking seriously about a career in the theater or movies.


But I soon discovered the enchantment of the written word.  Books of every size, shape, and color worked their magic on me (especially if the artwork was engaging and an accurate reflection of the text) and changed the course of my life.


From then on my future was clear.
I would be a professional writer.

I began to study every word I saw and read every book I could lay my hands on (I had trouble reaching the highest library shelves, but I took consolation from the fact that someday I would, more than likely, be taller).   I read sitting up, lying down, in trees, under porches, at home, at school, and at the public library (In fact, I would have been happy to live there, but the librarians and my mother wouldn’t allow me to bring my lunch and favorite pillow).

At the same time, I diligently honed my writing skills by practicing daily and submitting my work for critique.  Reactions ranged from “Good start, but needs work” (my second grade teacher) to “Oh, how wonderful!” (my favorite aunt).  Also, I’m sorry to say, I even submitted others to oral recitations of my work (My sister, three years my junior, bore the brunt of this.).

Later, while working on degrees in biology/medical technology and in adapted and developmental education, plus more graduate work in early childhood education, I had many opportunities to fine tune my writing skills.  At the same time, careers in medical technology and in education (27 years teaching K-12 sciences, theater, and music plus adult education workshops) helped put food on the table and gave me even more excuses to read (as if I need an excuse).

But through it all, writing—the wonderful power of the written word—has provided creative fulfillment second only to the joy of being the mother of two fine sons and grandmother to three beautiful grandchildren.

JKC Brown


Early interests in science and the arts, along with reading and climbing, led JKC (Judy) Brown to pursue careers in medical technology, teaching, editing, and writing—which she describes as “a lot like climbing—a wonderful struggle resulting in a new point of view.”

By “folding together” science and the arts, especially theater and music, she has created and presented unique curricular materials, television scripts, numerous magazine articles, and interactive workshops. Current projects include advising and writing for the Emmy award winning children’s television program, “The Biscuit Brothers,” playing with three young grandchildren, and—of course—more “climbing.”